Loaded Tempeh Bacon Sandwich with Roasted Garlic Aioli

Tempeh Bacon Sandwich

My husband’s favorite sandwich before going vegan was a BLT. I wanted to try and recreate his beloved sandwich in a healthy way that would still conquer the craving.  The sandwich starts off with homemade tempeh bacon. It really is so simple to make your own tempeh vegan. After steaming just let the strips marinade and then simply fry in hot oil in a non-stick skillet or cast-iron pan to get the nicest sear. That combined with veggies and the roasted garlic aioli and you’ll be drooling for more.

Roasted garlic is the secret to this delicious aioli. It’s simple to roast garlic, see the Chef’s Tips below. Just remember to let it cool completely and then as my papa says squeeze out the cloves like you would that last bit of toothpaste. This aioli doubles as a great dipping sauce for fries or vegetables.

Yield: 4 Sandwiches

Loaded Tempeh Bacon Sandwich with Roasted Garlic Aioli

•   your favorite bread (I like sourdough)
•   Tempeh Bacon (see recipe below)
•   Roasted Garlic Aioli (see recipe below)
•   2 tomatoes, cut into slices
•   lettuce, torn into large pieces
•   1 medium ripe avocado, sliced
•   handful broccoli sprouts, optional

1.  Lightly toast bread, smear generously with aioli on both slices of bread.
2.  Top one piece of bread with tempeh bacon and remaining toppings finish with remaining slice of bread and enjoy.

Tempeh Bacon

•   1 package of gluten-free tempeh, cut into 4 sections (Lightlife)
•   1/4 cup low sodium tamari
•   2 tablespoons maple syrup
•   1/2 teaspoon onion powder
•   1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
•   Few drops liquid smoke, optional but recommended (tag liquid smoke)
•   High heat oil (avocado, refined coconut, or grapseed)

1. Steam tempeh in a steamer basket or boil for 10 minutes.
2. Cut tempeh into thin strips.
3. Combine tamari, maple syrup, onion powder, and garlic powder in a shallow dish. Place tempeh in marinade. Let sit in the refrigerate for an hour (or more) to marinate.
4. Heat up a non-stick skillet or cast-iron pan, cover the bottom of the pan with oil, once oil is hot add tempeh slices (in 2 batches), fry on each side for 3-4 minutes or until crispy. Place on a paper towel lined plate to cool.

Roasted Garlic Aioli

•   1/2 cup vegan mayo (I like Sir Kensington Aquafaba Mayo)
•   8 cloves roasted garlic, finely chopped, see below
•   1 clove fresh garlic, finely minced
•   1 green onion, green + white parts, finely minced
•   Juice of half a lemon
•   Salt to taste

Whisk together all ingredients. Salt to taste.  

How to Make Roasted Garlic:
1.  Preheat oven to 350°F.
2.  Line a piece of foil with a small piece of parchment paper. Take a whole garlic bulb and cut a half inch or so off the top so the garlic cloves are visible. Add bulb to prepared foil, drizzle with olive oil and a few pinches of sea salt. Tightly seal up the foil so no oil can escape, and the garlic is totally covered.
3.  Place packet in oven directly on rack and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and open foil packet. Let cloves cool.
4.  Once cool, squeeze out garlic from skins.

Tempeh Bacon Sandwich
Tempeh Bacon Sandwich
Katie FarinaComment